
../Images/bunnythesis2.png ../Images/bunnythesis1.png ../Images/bunnythesis3.png Photos by Ben Searcy


A big thank you to Bunny - for her unwaivering support and constant presence. Without her wise counsel (chew if bad, lick if good); tireless effort shredding drafts and chewing books; and her moral support - this thesis would not have been completed.


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PHP Warnings

lib/Template.php:112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php:114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference