
Why use Wiki?

There are numerous reasons for using Wiki. A broader account is offered here, while the reasons that specifically relate to the research project are discussed in the essay Intertwingularity.

Wiki encourages collaborative websites with its editing on the fly style, real time changes, and ability for community authorship. Although presently a private wiki, it is anticipated that areas of this site will be open for contribution in the future.

The most significant reason for using wiki is that it is Free Software. Free Software and Open Source Software "is published and made available to the public, enabling anyone to copy, modify and redistribute the source code without paying royalties or fees". It "evolves through community cooperation" WikiPedia: open source. Examples of open source include Linux and Mozilla. This wiki is supported by further open source projects - it edited in Mozilla Firefox web browser and hosted by a computer Linux/GNU distribution Ubuntu, which promotes accessibility and usability. The name Ubuntu is derived from a South African concept which translates "Humanity towards others". The Ubuntu project and community believe:

....that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language, and that people should have the freedom to customize and alter their software in whatever way they need.

The open editing concept that Wiki is built on, allows for complex networks of pages to develop and evolve. It embodies the Complexity principles of emergence and self-organization.

For more information about: Open Source - WikiPedia:OpenSource | Open Source Linux - WikiPedia:Linux | Linux GNU - WikiPedia:GNU | GNU Ubuntu - WikiPedia:Ubuntu_linux | Ubuntu Mozilla - WikiPedia:Mozilla | Mozilla . Also read Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution - Glyn Moody


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