


A Big Theory of Culture - A Talk with Brian Eno

A Philosophy for Complexity, from Managing Complexity - by C. West Churchman

Absolute Blue by Linda Saunders - New work by cameraless photographer Garry Fabian Miller

Abstract Heritages and Legacies - by Marie Robl

Abstraction and Complexity - by Lev Manovich

ABSTRACTION NOW - introduction by Norbert Pfaffenbichler

Abstraction Now - review

An Emergent Paradigm - by Paul Brown

An Interview with Flickr's Eric Costello - by Jesse James Garrett

Art and the Internet - by Dana Altman

Art and Science in Chaos: contesting readings of scientific visualisation - by Richard Wright

Art History in a Post-Medium Age - by Anne Marsh

Automation of Sight: from Photography to Computer Vision - by Lev Manovich


Complexity Art and Complex Systems - by Philip Galanter and Ellen Levy

Conflicts as Emergent Phenomena of Complexity - by Chris Lucas and Yuris Milov

Creativity on Organisations: An Emergent Perspective - by Richard Seel

Critical Systems Thinking and Information technology - by Kristo Ivanov

Culture and Complexity: New Insights on Organisational Change - by Richard Seel

Cybernetics and Second-Order Cybernetics - by Francis Heylighen


Data Visualisation as New Abstraction and Anti-Sublime - by Lev Manovich


Emergent Behaviours: towards computational aesthetics - by Paul Brown


Flickr of Idea on a Gaming Project led to Photo Website - by Jefferson Graham

Foreword to Steps to an Ecology of Mind - by Mary Catherine Bateson

Form Follows Data - by Andrew Vande Moere

From Pace Layering to Resilience Theory - by D. Grant Campbell and Karl V. Fast

From Panel Painting to Computer Processing - by Norbert Pfaffenbichler


General Morphological Analysis: A general method for non-quantified modelling - by Tom Ritchey

Generation Flash - by Lev Manovich


Hard OR, Soft OR, Problem Structuring Methods, Critical Systems Thinking: A Primer - by Hans Daellenbach

How can we think the complex - by Carlso Gershenson and Francis Heylighen

Hyper-Heidegger - by Arthur Kroker


I link, therefore I am - Jim McClellan interview with William Mitchell

Image Future - by Lev Manovich

Information Aesthetics - An Appropriate Aesthetic for a New Culture by Andrew M. Lin


Jean Baudrillard's Weaknesses - by George P. Landow


Mapping on abstracts - no true maps - by Sandro Droschl

Media and Abstraction - by Marc Reis

Meshworks, Hierachies and Interfaces - by Manuel De Landa

Metadata, Mon Amour - by Lev Manovich

Modelling Complex Socio-Technical Systems Using Morphological Analysis - by Tom Ritchey


New Media as Remix Culture - by Lev Manovich

New Technology, New Painting? - by Mick Finch


On the Philosopher Vilem Flusser - by Elizabeth Wilson and Andreas Strohl


Phantasm - by Geoffrey Batchen

Picture This! - Context Photography research

Pondering Criticism- by Geoffrey Batchen

Post-Media Aesthetics - by Lev Manovich

Principia Cybernetica - Relation to other disciplines - By Francis Heylighen

Process Photography - by Roy Exley


Switch Interview with Manuel De Landa

Setting the Scene- Science, Humanity and Interaction - by Chris Lucas

Simple Lessons from Complexity - by Nigel Goldenfeld and Leo Kadanoff


Taming Complexity - by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

The Digital Corrosion of Postmodernism - by Ian North

The Engineering of Vision from Constructivism to Computers - by Lev Manovich

The Evolution of Systems Inquiry part 2 - by Bela H. Banathy

The Flickr Phenomenon: Critical, Collaborative, and Creative Convergences - by Rachel Cobcroft

The Friendster of Photo Sites - by Katherine Mieszkowski

The Geophilosophies of Deleuze and Guattari - by John Protevi

The Internet as a Self-Organizing Socio-Technological System - by Christian Fuchs

The Philosophy of Complexity - by Chris Lucas

Towards Abstraction: The Painterly Photograph - by Roy Exley

Transvergence in Art History - by Ami Davis


Vernacular Photographies - by Edwards, Gunhurt, Hunt, Hutchinson, Nickel.

Virtual Environments and the Emergence of Synthetic Reason - by Manuel De Landa


What the Geeks Know: Hypertext and the Problem of Literacy - by Stuart Moulthrop


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