
The AuthorArchive lists a selection of key authors that are linked to The Research Project.


Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

Geoffrey Batchen

Paul Cilliers

Manuel De Landa

Timothy Druckrey

Roy Exley

Vilem Flusser

Francis Heylighen

Gottfried Jager

Steven Johnson

Chris Lucas

Lev Manovich

David Tomas

Duncan Watts

Liz Wells


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PHP Warnings

lib/Template.php:112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

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lib/Template.php (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

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lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

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lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

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lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

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