Note: This page is much more impressive on the demo server where the page names actually link.

What you are looking at: This table shows all the default pages that ship with PhpWiki and what languages they have been translated to.

Translated Page Name Matrix

Action Pages English (en) Deutsch (de) Español (es) Français (fr) Italiano (it) Nederlands (nl) Svenska (sv)
BackLinks BackLinks _ RétroLiens? _ _ _
DebugInfo DebugInfo _ DebugInfo _ _ _
LikePages GleicheSeiten? _ PagesSemblables? _ _ _
PageHistory SeitenProtokoll? _ Historique? _ _ _
Plugin Pages English (en) Deutsch (de) Español (es) Français (fr) Italiano (it) Nederlands (nl) Svenska (sv)
AllPages AlleSeiten? TodasLasPaginas? ToutesLesPages? TutteLePagina? _ _
CalendarPlugin _ _ PluginCalendrier? _ _ _
FindPage SeiteFinden? BuscarPágina? ChercherUnePage? TrovaPagina? ZoekPagina? SökEfterSida?
FullRecentChanges _ _ DernièresModifsComplètes? _ _ _
FullTextSearch VolltextSuche? _ RechercheEnTexteIntégral? _ _ _
OrphanedPages _ _ PagesOrphelines? _ _ _
MostPopular MeistBesucht? MasPopulares? LesPlusVisitées? PiuPopolari? MeestBezocht? MestPopulär?
RandomPage ZufallsSeite? _ PageAléatoire? _ _ _
RecentChanges FrischeSeiten? CambiosRecientes? DernièresModifs? CambiamentiRecenti? RecenteVeranderingen? SenasteÄndringar?
RecentEdits GeringfügigeÄnderungen? _ ÉditionsRécentes? _ _ _
TitleSearch TitelSuche? _ RechercheParTitre? _ _ _
Special Pages English (en) Deutsch (de) Español (es) Français (fr) Italiano (it) Nederlands (nl) Svenska (sv)
HomePage StartSeite? PáginaPrincipal? Accueil? PaginaPrincipale? ThuisPagina? Framsida?
InterWikiMap InterWikiKarte? _ CarteInterWiki? _ _ _
MagicPhpWikiURLs _ _ URLMagiquesPhpWiki? MagiaPhpWikiURLs?? ToverPhpWikiURLs? _
PhpWikiAdministration PhpWikiSystemverwalten? _ AdministrationDePhpWiki? AmministrazioneDiPhpWiki? PhpWikiBeheer? PhpWikiAdministration?
TextFormattingRules TextFormatierungsRegeln? ReglasDeFormatoDeTexto? RèglesDeFormatageDesTextes? RegoleDiFormattazioneDelTesto? TekstFormatteringsRegels? Textformateringsregler?
UserPreferences Einstellungen? _ PréférencesUtilisateurs? UserPreferences? GebruikersVoorkeuren? _
Normal pages English (en) Deutsch (de) Español (es) Français (fr) Italiano (it) Nederlands (nl) Svenska (sv)
AddingPages SeitenErzeugen? AgregarPaginas? AjouterDesPages? AggiungerePagine? PaginasToevoegen? LäggaTillSidor?
EditText EditiereText? EditarElTexto? ÉditerLeContenu? ModificaIlTesto? VeranderTekst? RedigeraText?
GoodStyle GuterStil? BuenEstilo? StyleCorrect? BuonStile? GoedeStijl? BraStil?
HowToUseWiki WieManWikiBenutzt? ComoUsarWiki? CommentUtiliserUnWiki? ComeUsareWiki? HoeWikiTeGebruiken? HurManAnvänderWiki?
InterWiki _ _ InterWiki _ _ _
LinkIcons _ _ IcônesDeLien? _ _ _
MoreAboutMechanics WikiTechnik? MasAcercadeLaMecanica? DétailsTechniques? VarieSulFunzionamento? MeerOverTechnieken? MerOmMekanismerna?
PhpWiki PhpWiki PhpWiki PhpWiki PhpWiki PhpWiki PhpWiki
PhpWikiDocumentation _ _ DocumentationDePhpWiki? _ _ _
RecentVisitors GästeBuch? VisitantesRecientes? DerniersVisiteurs? VisitatoriRecenti? RecenteBezoekers? Gästboken?
ReleaseNotes _ _ NotesDeVersion? NoteDiRilascio? UitgaveNoten? _
SandBox SandKiste? CajaDeArena? BacASable? ScatolaDiSabbia? ZandBak? Sandlådan?
SteveWainstead SteveWainstead SteveWainstead SteveWainstead SteveWainstead SteveWainstead SteveWainstead
TestPage? _ _ PageDeTests? PaginaDiProva? _ _
WabiSabi WabiSabi WabiSabi WabiSabi WabiSabi _ WabiSabi
WikiPlugin _ _ PluginWiki? _ _ _
WikiWikiWeb WikiWikiWeb WikiWikiWeb WikiWikiWeb WikiWikiWeb _ WikiWikiWeb
Automatically generated pages English (en) Deutsch (de) Español (es) Français (fr) Italiano (it) Nederlands (nl) Svenska (sv)
Diff: Vergleich: Diferencia de: Diff : Differenza di: Diff van: Diff av:
Edit: Editiere: Editar: Éditer : Modifica: Verander: Redigera:
Remove Page Seite Löschen Borrar Página Supprimer la Page Rimuovi la Pagina Verwijder Pagina Ta bort Sida
Sign In Anmelden _ S'inscrire _ _ _
View Source: Quell Text: _ Afficher la Source : _ Bron Tekst: Visa Källkoden:
Translator's page English (en) Deutsch (de) Español (es) Français (fr) Italiano (it) Nederlands (nl) Svenska (sv)
n/a _ KBrown? RolandTrique? _ JanNieuwenhuizen? _
Obsolete Pages English (en) Deutsch (de) Español (es) Français (fr) Italiano (it) Nederlands (nl) Svenska (sv)
ConvertTabsToSpaces? KonvertiereLeerzeichenZuTabs? ConvierteEspaciosEnTabs? ConvertirTabEnEspaces? ConvertiGliSpaziInTab? VertaalSpatiesNaarTabs? KonverteraMellanslagTillTabbar?


These pages do not automatically link as WikiWords:

BacASable? URLMagiquesPhpWiki?

These pages have single word titles so [square brackets] are

required to link:

Framsida? Gästboken? Sandlådan? Textformateringsregler?

These ActionPages have single word titles:

Historique? Info?

See also: PhpWiki:MultiLingualWiki, PhpWiki:LanguageSelection, PhpWikiDocumentation.

PHP Warnings

lib/Template.php:112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php:114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference