

Emphasis: _ for italics, * for bold, _* for both, = for fixed width.
Lists: * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists, Term:<new-line> definition for definition lists.
Preformatted text: Enclose text in <pre></pre> or <verbatim></verbatim>.
Indented text: Indent the paragraph with whitespaces.
References: JoinCapitalizedWords or use square brackets for a [page link] or URL [].
Preventing linking: Prefix with "~": ~DoNotHyperlink, name links like [text | URL].
Misc: "!", "!!", "!!!" make headings, "%%%" or "<br>" makes a linebreak, "----" makes a horizontal rule.
Allowed HTML tags: b big i small tt em strong abbr acronym cite code dfn kbd samp var sup sub




Preformatted text

Indented Paragraphs




HTML Mark-Up Language

Creating various kinds of special links

Inserting plugins


PHP Warnings

lib/Template.php:112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php:114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/CachedMarkup.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):427: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/PageList.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):245: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/PageList.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):227: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Request.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):84: Notice[1024]: Request::getURLtoSelf() should probably not be from POST

lib/Request.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):84: Notice[1024]: Request::getURLtoSelf() should probably not be from POST

lib/Template.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'browse') (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):112: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference

lib/Template.php (In template 'body') (In template 'htmldump'):114: Notice[8]: Only variables should be assigned by reference