
Au: Vilem Flusser

Pub: Reaktion Books

Yr: First Published 2000, Reprint 2005

ISBN : 1-86189-076-1


  1. The Image: Pages: 8-13
  2. The Technical Image: Pages: 14-20
  3. The Apparatus: Pages: 21-32
  4. The Gesture of Photography: Pages: 33-40
  5. The Photograph: Pages: 41-48
  6. The Distribution of Photographs: Pages: 49-56
  7. The Reception of Photographs: Pages:57-64
  8. The Photographic Universe: Pages: 65-75
  9. Why a Philosophy of Photography is Necessary: Pages: 76-82
  10. Lexicon of Basic Concepts: Pages: 83-85
  11. Afterword, Hubertus von Amelunxen: Page: 86


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