
Ed: Gottfried Jager

Pub: Arnoldsche Art publishers

Yr: 2002

ISBN :3-89790-015-7


  1. The Art of Abstract Photography - Gottfried Jager, Pg:11-72
  2. What Could Abstract Photography Be? - Lambert Wiesing, Pg:73-102
  3. The Spiritual in Photography,or: The Photographic Path to Abstraction - Rolf H. Krauss, Pg:103-138
  4. Czech Avant-garde photography between the Two Wars - Vladmir Birgus, Pg:139-162
  5. Coburn Meets Pound. Abstraction and Vorticism in the English Aesthectics of Modernism - Martin Roman Deppner, Pg:163-194
  6. Images from the Microcosm - Claudia Fahrenkemper, Pg:195-213
  7. Non-Objective Photography Today. Contemporary Representatives - Michael Kohler, Pg:214-258
  8. Discussion: What is Abstract Photography - Gottfried Jager, Thomas Kellein, Reinhold Mibelbeck, Herbert Molderings, Pg:259-286

Includes Artists Chargesheimer | Inge Dick | Steffen Kluge | Floris M. Neususs | Stephan Reusse |


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